Sunday, April 19, 2009

Library experience

Last Wednesday i went to the East Lansing Public Library to do the library portion of the assignment. Sadly enough, i realized i hadn't been to a public library ( besides university libraries) in a very very very long time. Way back in the day my mom sometimes would take me and my brother to check out a book, but it's been many years. It was really cool to get back in a library and see what's going on. In higher level education, as far as research goes , the number of times i've actually looked in a book for reference as opposed to finding something online is a very little number. Everything's online now..and so easy to find, so it was actually really cool that there are that many books there, and that children are still being exposed to them and enjoying them. I saw several kids browsing and they looked like they really enjoyed being at the library. Something happened while i was there which i thought was really cute and amazing. While i was sitting drawing my diagram, a girl walked into the children's section, saw two kids and started talking to them. She explained that she had to do a lesson plan for a 4th grade classroom, and asked for their help ( I think she was in TE 402).There was one boy and one girl that just happened to be in 4th grade, looking through the books. They were so excited to help her, and even gave her several different genres and difficulty levels to choose from. I was amazed at how interested the kids were in the books and how well aware they were of the teaching aspect of it. They told her certain books that were better to use for a lesson and ones that were for more at home ( ex. ones with violence). They made sure to give her books with both male and female main characters, ones with animal characters, etc. It was awesome. I only wish the girl would have been more appreciative of their help as she simply said " thanks guys" and left... I just hope thost kids are there when i need help with a lesson plan!

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