Sunday, April 26, 2009

"And Tango Makes Three"

I came across an interesting article detailing the controversy of a children’s picture book titled “And Tango Makes Three.”  The story tells of the true story when two male penguins adopted a fertilized egg and raised the baby. Parents in a Shiloh, Illinois school district don’t want their children having uncensored access to books with themes like same sex partnerships.  The book was written for children ages 4 to 8 years, however parents want age restrictions placed on the book or they would like parental consent to be given before a child can check the book out of the library.  According to zoology departments penguin adoption like that of “And Tango Makes Three” are incredibly common. 

I found this to be an interesting topic because it strikes up issues of what is appropriate while also representing all realities of our world, both human and animal. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is really interesting! I didn't know that animals (or just penguins maybe) did that! It is strange to me that parents wouldn't want their children to read this book. To me, this is just a book about animals that are taking care of a baby. I guess this is just another one of those books that a teacher really has to think about before making it available to their students. It is unfortunate that parents don't want their children to read books that deal with issues and themes that are so present in our world.
