Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hugo Cabret

I also really enjoyed Hugo Cabret, and I had the same feeling before I started reading the book. I would agree with the post below that it would be a good transition of a picture book to a chapter book. After talking with my group, I found new thoughts about the book that I never really considered. I had not thought about the thief impression that it would give to the younger kids. But thinking more closely about it, I agree with the fact that the author does not do a good job of showing that being a thief and liar are bad attributes to have. He kind of shows that if you are a thief and a liar, you will be able to achieve your dreams. I really enjoyed having the pictures in the book. It does take away from the imagination a little bit, but I really like how they were in black and white. They still allow the reader to imagine color in the picture and it also corresponds with the fact that the first movies shown were in black and white.


  1. I also really liked Hugo Cabret. It was a much quicker read than I anticipated, and I loved the integration of pictures and still photographs from Georges Melies' movies. The story was actually true, which made it even more exciting! It was an adventure from start to finish and I would definitely recommend it for any class I would teach.

  2. I also agree on hugo being a very good book. I thought that it was an easy read and had a good story line to go with it. I loved how the book wasn't all just words but it told a story and then had pages with just pictures which continued to tell the story. It made my imagination go because you could see what was going on and see some of the action that was taking place.

  3. what an interesting blog! thanks for stopping by mine!
